1973→2023 dischi internazionali cinquatenni Lascia un commento / Suggerimenti / Di Gianluca Cattaneo 1973-2023 dischi internazionali cinquantenni Dischi Internazionali del 1973 che hanno compiuto o compiranno 50 anni nel corso del 2023. I primi 10 PINK FLOYD The dark side of the MoonPINK FLOYD The dark side of the Moon (2 cd edizione del 2011)LED ZEPPELIN Houses of the holyGENESIS Selling England by the poundJOHN, Elton Goodbye yellow brick roadIGGY POP and the STOOGES Raw PowerBOWIE, David Aladdin SaneCAN Future daysREED, Lou BerlinOLDFIELD, Mike Tubular bellsWAITS, Tom Closing time Gli altri ROXY MUSIC For your pleasureSPRINGSTEEN, Bruce The wild, the innocent & the E-street shuffleBLACK SABBATH Sabbath bloody SabbathKING CRIMSON Larks’ tongues in AspicMARLEY, Bob Catch a fireFAUST Faust 4NEW YORK DOLLS New York DollsSTEELY DAN Countdown to ecstasyMARTYN, John Solid airEMERSON LAKE & PALMER Brain salad surgery : deluxe editionSPRINGSTEEN, Bruce Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.YES Tales from topographic oceansROLLING STONES Goats head soupSIMON, Paul There goes rhymin’ Simon ZZ TOP Tres hombresMAGMA Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh A seguire EAGLES DesperadoALLMAN BROTHERS BAND Brothers and SistersQUEEN Queen 1RENAISSANCE Ashes are burningLITTLE FEAT Dixie chickenGONG Flying teapotJETHRO TULL A passion playJOEL, Billy Piano manYES YessongsHARRISON, George Living in the material worldJOHN, Elton Don’t shoot me : I’m only the piano playerCAMEL CamelGONG Angels eggCARAVAN For girls who grow plump in the nightPARSONS, Gram GP ; Grievous angelGRATEFUL DEAD Wake of the floodNEU! Neu! 2FACES Ooh la laGENESIS Genesis liveSCHULZE, Klaus CyborgABBA Ring ringAGITATION FREE 2ndAYERS, Kevin BananamuorAMAZING BLONDEL BlondelCOHEN, Leonard Live songsDEODATO Deodato 2GOLOWIN, Sergius Lord Krishna von GolokaFAMILY It’s only a movieHENRY COW Leg end : original mixTRAFFIC Shoot out at the fantasy factorySANTANA, Carlos Love Devotion SurrenderVELVET UNDERGROUND Squeeze Correlati